New sundials
We have included in this selection a number of striking and well-desgined sundials which we know about. If you would like to suggest other new sundials for inclusion, we would really appreciate it send a high resolution picture and a short paragraph of text about it tomail [at] Thank you!
A new sundial near Sheffield
This new dial by Harriet James is at Worrall near Sheffield and is carved in Bretton Moor - a local stone. The gnomon is made of bronze as is the Equation of Time graph which is by the front door. The house had a forge which was used by outworkers in the Sheffield cutlery trade.

Equatorial dial in Teruel, N.E. Spain
The equatorial sundial of wood and stainless steel was erected in 2009 at the Posada El Cadoncho in the village of Calomarde.
The Hour lines and numbers are perforated in the equatorial ring. The time is read on the centre post from the sunlightr projected there through the perforations. The accuracy is claimed to be to the nearest minute. The dial also gives readings for the dates, solstices, equinoxes, and zodiac times. Materials: stainless steel and quality wood.

Green's Windmill, Nottingham
This dial was made for the science centre at Green's Windmill, Nottingham, former home of the mathematician and physicist George Green (1793-1841) who worked as a miller. The dial was commissioned by the George Green Memorial Fund in memory of their former Secretary and biographer of George Green, Mary Cannell The trustees wanted an 'interactive' sundial as the museum is visited by school parties. The dial is read by swinging the gnomon round until its pointer is directed at the sun and its shadow disappears. The time is read off on the band of hours round the globe. The dial was made by Harriet James and was installed in 2006. It is carved in Portland stone. The sphere has a diameter of 300mm.

London Wetlands Centre, Barnes, London
This Spot-On sundial is a memorial to a noted environmentalist who was associated with Peter Scott who founded the Wildlife and Wetlands Trust.
The mirror-polished stainless steel gives strong reflections, and the gnomon, which casts the shadow, appears to "float in air" because the matt circle appears to be continuous though part of it is in fact a reflection.
For about 5 minutes at solar noon, when the sun is at its highest in the sky, a line of light shines through the slit in the gnomon. This design feature is used to orient the sundial exactly to true North so that it can be read to the narest minute or two ....more

West Park, Long Eaton, Derbyshire
The West Park sundial in Long Eaton was built by the Friends of West Park (with the assistance of the Erewash Borough Council). Their website provdes a very detailed description of the design and construction process, which would be useful and interesting to any other groups carrying out a similar project

Hook Norton, Oxfordshire
This contemporary sundial was cut in 3mm stainless steel directly from an AUTOCAD design by a high pressure waterjet cuttting machine. The Gnomon is also watercut 3mm Stainless Steel. The latitude and longitude of the sundial were calculated exactly using Google Earth, the wall declination was calculated manually.
There is a very interesting website describing the design, calculation, and manufacturing process for this highly individual sundial

Buncrana, Donegal, Ireland
In May 2014, the town council at Buncrana in County Donegal, Ireland, decided to build a new sunial on the shore of Lough Swilly. Piers Nicholson and Harriet James were asked to deliniate the sundial, which was then built by a local contractor
This sundial is on a splendid site with the picturesque Lough Swilly in the background.

Utah Valley State College, Heber City, Utah
Sun Dagger was created by sculptor Robert Perless for the Wasatch Campus of Utah Valley State College off Route 40 in Heber City, Utah. It functions as a unique celestial observatory, and amplifies the union and synergy of man and nature. It is a polar-pointing gnomon horizontal sundial, which also works as a noon transit sundial, and as a seasonal calendar, celebrating the winter and summer solstices and the vernal and autumnal equinoxes with rainbows crossing the sun line. The gnomon of the sundial faces True North and is elevated at an angle of 40.46 degrees, the latitude of Heber City. At solar noon, when the sun crosses the meridian, the ray of sunlight coming through the slit in the gnomon illuminates the 12 o’clock position. ......more

Treloars College, Hampshire, England
A new sundial at Treloars College, Hampshire in memory of two pupils. Two declination curves mark their birthdays. The dial is carved in Portland stone, painted and gilded with gold and platinum leaf. The gnomon is of stainless steel with a gold-plated sphere 'nodus'. The dial was made by Harriet James in 2003.

A new sundial in Porirua, New Zealand
The sundial was designed by Andrew Gray and manufactured by A E Tilleys Ltd and John Kinviq Engineering and installed by Gavin Dench.
Location - Corner of Parumoana and Norrie Street, Porirua CBD

New sundial at Ashby, neaer Lowestoft, England
The new sundial at Ashby was commissioned by one of the parishoners, and designed and carved by Harriet James. It was dedicated in March 1999. The sundial is of Portland Stone, with the hour lines formed by carved arrows flying to the centre. The hour is indicated when the shadow is exactly over the shaft of the arrow, the half-hours when the gap between the arrow heads is centrally in the shadow, and the quarter hours when the shadow is on the edge of the flight.

The floral sundial at Easton Lodge
Daisy, Countess of Warwick, laid out a small private garden at Easton Lodge near Great Dunmow in Essex,probably around 1865. It contained a floral sundial surrounded by hour lines made of planted box, and an inscription, also in box. There is a photograph of the Victorian sundial >in all its glory in " " available to visitors to the gardens.
The present owners of Easton Lodge, Brian and Diana Creasey, have spnt many years of effort in recreating and adding to the magnificent gardens of Easton Lodge, which fell into complete decay during and after the last war. For the Millennium project, they decided to recreate the floral sundial. The British Sundial Society was approached, and the then Secretary, David Young, with other society members calculated the angles of the hour lines and laid out the lmeridian line so the sundial would point accurately to true North. Now. two years later, the yew is growing up well within the metal framework of the gnomon, and the box hedges are also growing well. In only a few more years, the sundial will be the equal of the equal of its predecessor. (Our thanks to Nicolina who kindly posed to give scale to the sundial) There is an extensive website describing the gardens of Easton Lodge which are open to the public , at present on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only Consult the website for location, opening times, etc.

Sundial in Bitola, Macedonia
This sundial is located on the town square in the city of Bitola. It was designed by Aleksandar Shulevski of the Astronomical society of Bitola. The dimensions of the dial are 12 by 5 meters, and the declination of the wall is 9 degrees to the east.
The sundial is positioned on the central city square. This project was undertaken as a part of the reconstruction of the old central part of the city in which structures from the 19 - th century are prevalent.
The sundial is of a vertical design, with the wall declining to the east for an angle just short of 10 degrees. The dimensions are a bit unusual - 12 by 5 meters, but overall, the dial adds beauty to the surroundings, and is just right. Due to the large size, the time can be read off to a distance of about 30 mete

A new sundial in Turin
This sundial was commissioned by Angelo Grasso and is at Via Pervinche 32, Turin, whic is part of the "Two Queens Estate" and owned by the Grasso family. . It is 1.5 metres square and was designed by Barbara Voarino and Mario Tebenghi.
It is one of the few sundials in Turin and one of the largest.
Particular consideration was given to the motto and, in the end, a religious sentence was chosen to helpipeople passing under it. The Latin translates as "None of us can do anything without God's help".

A new dial in Wiltshire
This new cube dial at Crockerton, Wiltshire was made for the owner's birthday by Harriet James . A 'v' nodus tracks a declination curve for the day on the east and west faces. The dial is carved in Portland stone and painted. The gnomons are made of brass.